Elderberry brandy

from 14,75 

Elderberries are used to make a very distinctive brandy with a very particular musky flavour.

  • Alcohol content : 45°
  • Colour : Transparent

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“Elderberry (Sambucus)
Elderberry brandy has not always had a good reputation. The origin of the word “gnole” takes us back to Burgundy where the synonym is “hièble” or “yèble”, another name for elderberry. But let’s not denigrate this brandy which has since benefited from the progress of distillation and has thus been greatly improved.There are two types of elderberry, the black and the red. The black elder is found near the houses, along the paths. Obtained by maceration of the berries, red or black, the elderberry brandy, which is quite bitter, is more or less common but is offered to gastronomes in search of originality.”

Tasting notes

Its incorporation in small quantities in cocktails is quite surprising.